Written by Jonathan I. The biannual D23 Expo is this weekend, it is where Disney presents all the new projects for Film, Television and new theme park attractions. As the days get near us the teasing begins and as if not much they have decided to tease us with the Star Wars code name Project ''Orange Harvest''. As of right now no one knows what this could be but fans of Star Wars may remember from Episode VI Return of the Jedi also had its own Production codename ''Blue Harvest". Could this mean that they will announce Episode VII ? or could it just be a new attraction coming to Disney? no one knows but as the expo begins we will keep you up to date with all the news Surrounding this mystery. Till then check out these easter eggs they have left for everyone to figure out, you can click on the picture to the right and see them all thanks to www.comingsoon.net. What do you think it could be? leave us your thoughts in the comment section below. |