Written by Zima Beck.
What do you get when you give the creators of Mortal Kombat free-reign of DC Comics finest characters and a whole load of dosh? You get a polished, hyperactive camp-off. Now comes the linguistic nightmare of writing about things in Injustice. The story is surprisingly deep and quite captivating (something about parallel universes where bad versions of all the superheroes exists and everyone is an arsehole to each other). Better than the run of the mill Tekken/Mortal Kombat/AnyOtherFightingGame story where they seem to find longwinded excuses to fight each other in bizarre manga cutscenes. Speaking of the cutscenes, they suck. Oddly though, the in game graphics are a lot more exciting and flashy, with some fantastic attention to detail. The fight locations are varied, interactive, and frankly bonkers, ranging from Wayne Manor to the underwater Atlantis home of Aquaman. The environments are destructive and hugely reactive to your violent super-powered shenanigans, and really add a sense of tangible physicality to the gameplay. That's cool. All in all though its a brilliantly fun romp with an extremely polished, mature finish. A premium title worthy of its rich DC heritage that'll please super fans and drunk gamers a like. |