Written by Austin A. Hamblin.
Indy Spot Light
Kurt Belcher
Me: For those unfamiliar with your work what have you all worked on?
Kurt: Well, the major stuff as an artist includes drawing RISERS for writer Martin
Fisher at Alterna Comics, drawing UNIMAGINABLE at Arcana for writer Tom Pinchuk,
drawing stories for writer Kevin Johnson in volumes 2 and 3 of FUBAR, and drawing
ROTTENTAIL for writer David Hayes at Source Point Press.
As a writer, I've done STARS for Pilot Studios, and the forthcoming WINTER WAR
from Transfuzion Publishing.
Oh, and the KURT BELCHER'S WORLD anthology from Pilot Studios.
I also did art duties on those first two.
Me: What has been your favorite/most rewarding comic you have worked on and why?
Kurt: Probably UNIMAGINABLE. It was for a very good publisher, Arcana, a really
original idea from writer Tom Pinchuk, and with a creative team that really made the
whole book come together.
It was a great creative synergy with Tom, and for my money, some of the best, most
original visuals I've ever done.
Me: What made you decide that you wanted to start creating comics?
Kurt: The fact that I loved them from the time I was a kid. My older brother used to read
them and I got his hand-me-downs. I learned to draw from copying pages and panels
from comics. I specifically remember copying some of John Romita's stuff from an early
issue of STAR BRAND.
Me: Which do you enjoy more writing or drawing?
Kurt: While I love doing art, I think I enjoy writing more. I started drawing first, but I
enjoy the challenge of writing, because it's not really something I have a natural aptitude
for. So I'm probably not very good at it, but it's a great creative counterpoint to drawing,
using entirely different 'muscles'.
Me: Who are your influences?
Kurt: Not sure about their influence, but my favorite comic artists are Mike Mignola,
Richard Corben, Moebius.
More recently, I've been enjoying the work of Ross Campbell, Nick Pitarra, Jerome
Opeña, Mateus Santolouco, and Fiona Staples.
As for writer/artists, I love Rick Veitch and Matt Kindt.
Me: What advice do you have for aspiring creators?
Kurt: Do the work. If you're a writer, write all the time. If you're an artist, do art all the
time. Don't worry about getting it published, just do it and get the practice.
Publication will come in time, if you keep at it, but the important thing is to keep working
and stay good at it. Keep working and keep improving is the name of the game.
Me: Last question what are your future plans for the comic book world?
Kurt: That's a good question. The future is always difficult to see, but I'd hope to get
more books that I'm writing and drawing in at more and bigger publishers. I have a ton
of ideas for short stories, one-shots, mini-series, and regular series that I want to do
I'd also love to try my hand at drawing a regular monthly book for another writer at some
point, when my schedule opens up some more. That'd be a fun challenge.
Me: Thank you for your time! I hope to speak with you in the future!
Kurt: No problem.
I want to take a moment and thank Kurt Belcher for accepting the Interview, and taking the time. If you would like to read some of his work you can find it at Amazon.com and Barns & Noble, if you would like to see more of his artwork you can click the link to vizit his deviantART page at http://kurtbelcher1.deviantart.com/. Enjoyed this Interview ? Please feel free to leave any question's or comment's in the comment box below, more interview's Coming Soon.