Written by Daniel Maisonet. Avengers 2 hit theaters in 2015. But how long does Marvel intend to make films for theircinematic universe you ask? Well as the title suggests, Marvel doesn’t appear to want to stop soon as they have films planned all the way up to 2021. "I could arguably say what we're planning for the year 2021," Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige said in an interview with WIRED. "Will that happen? I don't know. But what we planned for 2015 in 2006 is happening." There are already three unspecified movies coming out for 2016 and 2017. There are also rumors for highly anticipated characters to the cinematic universe such as Black Panther and Doctor Strange. Marvel has a long list of character to choose from so no one really knows where they an be headed. "Five years ago, looking at our plan, we knew that if Avengers was going to work, the movies had to stand alone," Feige said. "Now we have to prove to the studio that we're more than just these five characters, these five franchises." With the gaining success of the Marvel films and the addition of new characters as Marvel Studio’s Phase Two continues with Guardians of the Galaxy(2014) and The Avengers: Age of Ultron(2015), it appears Marvel is not quitting anytime soon and Warner Bros. will have to play a major game of catching up. Urbangamerz411 will keep you updated on everything regarding Marvel’s take over the world strategy. Leave your comments and tell us what you think of Marvel’s 2021 plan. |