By Paul Iuzzolino 10/15/13
This past week during Monday Night Football the Chargers won against the Colts 19 to 9, and during the game a new PS4 commercial debuted. This commercial turned out to be more of a musical, as you see two men singing about how perfect the day is as they engage in an epic battle from The Elder Scrolls Online. We then see the two men race in astonishing cars from Driveclub. The two men are then on a brutal battlefield wielding guns from Killzone: Shadow Fall. Toward the end of the commercial, you hear the men say, “You just keep me hanging on.”1 The commercial defiantly has a bit of humor to it, but it should make Sony fans excited for the November 15th release of the PS4 in North America and the November 29th release of the PS4 in Europe. |