By Paul Iuzzolino 8/28/13 Sam Fisher makes his return to consoles with a new face and voice, as well as some new tricks. There is a new terrorism group called fourth echelon, which Sam Fisher is a part of. The team is called back into action by a female president, after a group called the engineers puts US Assets on a black list. The development team did a good job of cramming all kinds of military and terrorism names into one single game, including Iran, nukes, and chemical weapons. Fourth Echelon is made up of course Sam Fisher, Anna Grimsoottir, an IT person named Charlie Cole, and Issac Briggs. Throughout many of the cinematics, you will see this team argue quite often; this was done on purpose to keep things intense. The person that does the voice over for Sam Fisher is okay, but many people believe that Micheal Ironside, who did the voice over for Sam in Conviction, did a better job of telling gamers who Sam was. Micheal also did a good job of telling the back story of Sam and his daughter. In Splinter Cell Blacklist, you feel as though you are taking a step back in Sam's character. Blacklist keeps in tact all of the old concepts from previous Splinter Cell games, but also does a fantastic job of adding some new ideas to keep things fresh. The majority of mission briefings takes place in a plane, and at times it may feel like you are just in a box that shakes, the planes works well as a seaway between missions as you attain better gear and communicate with your crew. The game has a very smooth presentation to it, with objectives that will display on a wall. Also at times some story information will be displayed. Multiplayer has a mix of single player coop and versus multiplayer. Some of the multiplayer features aren't tackled onto the game right away, and at first only limited multiplayer features are available. The coop mode works well with two people; in some missions you just wave to your partner. Other missions will require you and your partner to sneak around your environment without being seen, so make sure to use some coop strategy for those missions. Coop also allows players to do dual take downs and use team strategy so it's better to do a lot of the missions in coop rather then solo. One mission in particular that should really be completed in coop mode is the welcome return mercenaries versus spies. The spies try to take down the mercenaries in the shadows. The mercenaries are ready, and do their best to outsmart the spies. As long as your are communicating with your partner, this mission will be easy. There are many locations in single player mode, including broken down cites, subways, and rooftops. Sometimes the cover system has its flaws, but mostly the controls are not a big worry. As you play the game, you will mostly rely on the sold gameplay; this will involve blending in with shadows, taking out certain lights to help you with cover, and waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Blacklist does a great job of putting you in extreme situation where you feel like you are trapped, and the only way to escape is to use stealth and smart tactics. Overall this game gets a high rating, and it's worth your time to play it. |
Urban Gamerz 411 Gives Splinter Cell: Blacklist an ''8.5'' Good.